【中央大学パシフィックオフィス開所式】在ホノルル日本国総領事館 重枝豊英総領事挨拶文(英語・日本語訳


Consul General of Japan in Honolulu Toyoei Shigeeda

Good afternoon…and Aloha! 

It is a great pleasure for me to congratulate Chuo University for the opening of its first overseas office here at the East-West Center in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii.  I personally find this to be a truly significant event as I also graduated from Chuo University just a few decades ago.

Hawaii is situated at the crossroads of the Pacific.  With the opening of this office, Chuo University has selected a most ideal location to provide exciting opportunities to study and do research, not only for its students, but also for those from the University of Hawaii, and eventually from institutions elsewhere in the Pacific Rim region and beyond, in the years to come.

For this, I would like to highly commend both Chuo University and the University of Hawaii for establishing this bond and setting the stage for future international collaborative efforts.  With Hawaii and Japan having a long history of friendship, it is also encouraging to see that the two educational institutions are doing their part to enhance the bonds between the United States and Japan by promoting mutual understanding between our two nations.

Hawaii, located in the center of the Pacific, is very important for the future of the United States and Japan. The United States is gradually moving its focus from the west to east, with an increasing attention on the Pacific. Americans are trying to build a new structure in political, military, economical, and also cultural fields, and they are seeking for partnership with like-minded countries.

Japan is the most important partner for the United States.
Japan is encouraged to do everything to make a contribution for the peace and prosperity of the Pacific region and also world peace.

The question is, how should we carry out this mission?
I think there are many functions put on many fields, from politicians, bureaucrats, and scholars, but most importantly, the young people who are our hopes for the future, are flexible in thinking and creating new ideas.

In this sense, I am very impressed that the University has already opened its new office in the middle of the Pacific. I would like to extend my respect to the University and admire the efforts extended by your colleagues and predecessors.

I hope that the University will pay attention more to the Hawaiian people, and at the same time, cooperate with colleagues in the academic areas and significant fields.
I am confident you can do it.

With my heartfelt gratitude, I would like to say,
Gambatte kudasai, you can do it!














