

Opening Speech by Chuo University President Fukuhara

Hello everyone, distinguished guests, friends and colleagues.  It is truly a pleasure to be here today to mark the opening of the Chuo University new satellite office here on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. We have named this new facility the “Chuo University Pacific Office.”   

On this occasion I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and especially to Dean Andy Sutton, for all the generous support we have received.  I would also like to thank the East-West Center for giving us the opportunity to open an office here. 

Recently Chuo University has been making extensive efforts to establish partnerships with universities worldwide. During the past four years the number of our partner universities overseas has grown rapidly from less than 100 to over 140.  Our agreement with the University of Hawaii at Manoa was signed just over one year ago, in January 2013. 

Nevertheless, since last autumn, 2 exchange students from UHM have been studying at Chuo, and Chuo has sent 1 exchange student to Hawaii this January.  Furthermore, a group of 20 Chuo students are now at UHM for one month, and they will finish their studies in mid-March. 

Faculty research exchanges have been active as well.  Chuo Professor Hiromitsu Hayashida from our Faculty of Commerce started a short-term sabbatical at UHM early in February; Chuo’s Institute of Policy and Cultural Studies held a research workshop on March 5th, which took place on the UHM campus.  In addition, professors from the Chuo Graduate School of Strategic Management and the UHM Business School are organizing a joint workshop to be held here in September.

All of these faculty and student activities give me great hope for the future of our cooperation.  And I am confident that Chuo and UHM will continue to develop more research and educational opportunities in the coming months and years. 

In closing, I believe that this Pacific Office has great potential as Chuo’s hub for the Pacific region, and I look forward to many years of cooperation and mutual benefit for Chuo and UHM. 

Again, thank you very much for all your kind and generous support, now and in the future.  



この場において、これまでいただいたすべての寛大な支援に対し、UHM、特に、その国際交流責任者であるアジア太平洋研究学部 R.アンダーソン・サットン学部長に心から感謝申し上げます。さらに、我々にオフィスを開設する機会を与えてくださったイースト・ウェスト・センターにも感謝申し上げます。







